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It was fun. It was also a lot of work. I wouldn't recommend a daily 1000 word blog.
This was a place where I could share a daily blog.
For three years, I posted every day.
I started this on December 31, 2021.That 1000 words a day goal was daunting, but it helped improve my writing. During this last year, I wrote about a different record every day.
My last post was on December 31, 2024.
Each blog was a first draft, warts and all, and they reflected my thoughts at the moment I sat down to write. I appreciate everyone who made the site part of their day.
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Jan 14, 20232 min read
Entry date: 1-14-2023 - Sober Saturday - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, Happy Saturday, even a bit late. Woke up early today and went for a walk with Tom and Quentin. It was very nice and a good...
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Jan 13, 20232 min read
Entry date: 1-13-2023 - Friday the 13th - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, On the whiteboard this morning there is a question: Can a day really be unlucky? Why or why not? I think this is an...
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Jan 12, 20232 min read
Entry date: 1-12-2023 -Tired - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, The kids wore me out yesterday. It could have been the 2 hour band practice on Tuesday night that kept me out until almost...
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Jan 11, 20233 min read
Entry date: 1-11-2023 - I have thoughts - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, Y'all know by now that I am a long suffering fan of Phoenix area sports. I have to admit I was surprised by the swiftness...
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Jan 10, 20232 min read
Entry date: 1-10-2023 - Dry Stripes - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, "I'm going to walk out of here a lean, mean, fighting machine" - Dewey "Ox" Oxburger (1981) "I wanna party with you,...
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Jan 9, 20232 min read
Entry date: 1-9-2023 - And we're back - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, Matriculation commences again. We will have to re-learn a lot of things this week, but that's okay. One thing students need...
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Jan 8, 20231 min read
Entry date: 1-8-2023 - The Last Day of Break - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, It has been an interesting and relaxing break to say the least. I am ready for work tomorrow, that's for sure. I'm not...
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Jan 7, 20235 min read
Entry date: 1-7-2023 - Last American Virgin Soundtrack - Music stuff
Dear fans of seemingly terrible but maybe brilliant teen angst films, Today I will dissect the soundtrack from 1982's The Last American...
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Jan 6, 20233 min read
Entry date: 1-6-2023 - Friday is for something that I'm not quite sure what it is - Letters and such
Dear Friends, A couple of nights ago, I was watching the Suns play the Cavaliers (Cleveland, for those who don't care about such things)...
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Jan 5, 20232 min read
Entry date: 1-5-2023 - Random Thoughts - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, Earlier this morning, I had some ideas about what I wanted to write about today. After sitting here, relaxing, enjoying the...
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Jan 4, 20233 min read
Entry date: 1-4-2023 - Thoughts on the NFL injury...and a strange film - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, I flipped over to watch the Bills and Bengals play on Monday night after finishing up the very strange early 70s film,...
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Jan 3, 20234 min read
Entry date: 1-3-2023 - Winter Wonderland - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, We had a wonderful time with our dear friends up in Blue Ridge over the weekend. The weather, as they say, was frightful,...
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Jan 2, 20231 min read
Teresa's Car
When Teresa was a young'un, we bought her this little car at Sun Cyclery on 7th Street. I was so excited about it. It was so cute and...
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Jan 1, 20231 min read
Happy New Year
Dear Friends, It's a very exciting day, isn't it? Time to start fresh and be our best selves. See you soon! Speaks for itself.
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Dec 31, 20224 min read
Entry date: 12-31-2022 - The Last Post - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, This is it! The last of my promised 365 days of 1000 word blogs. I’m sure I will do more in 2023 and I’ll crank out new...
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Dec 30, 20224 min read
Entry date: 12-30-2022 - Penultimate Musings - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, So as of right now, today, I will have met my goal of writing 1000 words a day for a solid year when I finish this...
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Dec 29, 202237 min read
Entry date: 12-29-2022 - The Placebo Story - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, A couple of years ago I had the honor of putting together a piece for New Times about Placebo Records. I worked on it for...
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Dec 28, 20223 min read
Entry date: 12-28-2022 - Bonus Birthday edition - Letter to My Friend
Dear friends, I had to have Facebook remind me that today is Steve's birthday, so I am blogging a bit late. I knew it was coming up, but...
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Dec 28, 20224 min read
Entry date: 12-28-2022 - Dreams and Shirley MacLaine - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, I had the strangest dream on Monday night. It was one of those long, involved sort of dreams where I was in the dream for a...
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Dec 27, 20224 min read
Entry date: 12-27-2022 - Random Tuesday 22 - Letters to My Friends
Dear Friends, It’s all about perspective, right? How we see and hear things is different from how others see and hear them. We all feel...
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