Dear Friends,
Last night was the big farewell to Billions. I’ve written a bit, here and there, about the show and all things considered, I think they did a fine job of sending it off. I was fond of the characters on the show, so it’s a bummer their stories won’t continue, but I’m not sure there was much more for Billions to do.
If you have never watched it, I do recommend it. Especially the first few seasons. Really compelling and entertaining stuff and Paul Giamatti is great in it. Damian Lewis and Maggie Siff are also really good in it, too, but Giamatti made it for me. Luckily, that guy is a busy actor and there will be more great stuff from him before it is all said and done.
The weekend was one of the best I’ve ever had thanks to the show on Friday. I’ll be basking in the afterglow for a good long while, I’m sure. We had a lovely day yesterday, too. A visit to Granny was really nice and while I don’t know how many more of them I’m going to get, I’m going to relish the one from yesterday always.
There wasn’t anything in particular that was great about it, but she was having such a tough time a week ago that I was worried all week about where she is emotionally at this time of her life. Granny had a great visit, though, with her sister, Lois. She seemed to really be pleased by it. I didn’t get to see Aunt Lois, which I’m bummed about, but I’m glad that Granny got to have her time with her sister.
The closest thing I will ever have to that is Ben, I suppose. My brother, Matt, and I have only slept under the same roof a couple of times, for example, and won’t ever have the 90+ year bond that Granny and Aunt Lois do. Ben and I have history, though, and share a lot of great memories. We went through a lot of tough times, too, that neither of us deserved or asked for, but we survived.
Perhaps there will be a time when we are old and feeble and just looking forward to a visit from each other. Feeble might be a bit of a stretch, actually. I think Granny is well beyond feeble at this point, but she still laughs and just exudes love. I hope I am able to do as much when it is my time to be content with a small room and a comfortable chair.
The other great part of last night was sitting on the patio again at Doug’s having dinner. It was so nice outside, and Rhondi made a wonderful dinner. It wasn’t anything fancy or anything, but it just reminds me of how lucky we all really are. We get to spend some quality time together just talking and laughing and sharing our lives.
I even enjoyed doing the dishes afterward.
Here’s to a great Chats show tonight in the bowels of downtown Mesa.
See you tomorrow.
Dolly is well on her way to being an official Ergonomic contributor. Thanks Dolly!