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Entry date: 11-1-2023 – I Talk Too Much – Letters to My Friends


Dear Friends,

I was wrong about the Diamondbacks in the Philadelphia series, but I don’t think I am wrong in thinking right now that the proverbial goose is cooked. The worst part about it is that Ken “the Closet-Nazi” Kendrick will throw a little bit of his profit at getting some over the hill star to come here for way too much money or a good younger player who will blow out their knee or elbow and the team will be on the hook for a bunch of worthless contract years. That’s what always happens.

You see, Nazis are bad people and bad things happen to them. You put a bunch of negative bullshit out there and you get negative bullshit back. I fully believe that.

When I am negative, bad stuff finds me. When I am positive, it still finds me sometimes, but it is a lot easier to handle. I have seen it in others, too. It’s like magnets and shit.

Good run, boys. Good run. You won’t be there next year. You don’t have the pitching and there aren’t enough “perfect storms.” The old man won’t pony up the extra 80-90 million it will take to fill the holes on this team properly.


(I’d still love to be wrong, though)


Years ago, it would have been another lovely evening with friends spoiled by terrible performances by our sports teams. Now, it was just a lovely evening with friends. It’s nice to be free of the angst that watching professional sports used to cause me.

Perhaps it’s apathy.

Maybe it’s that I know, now,

That entertainment is just that.

It’s fleeting







And, in the end, nothing.

In the end is only the darkness when I close my eyes to sleep.

In the end is feeling the love I have for others

And the love they have for me

Enveloping me.

Winners and losers of games

Deserve love, too.

But that is the job of their loved ones.

My job is to be.

Passion + desire + a television screen = a momentary sense of joy or loss

All these little moments.

Are they a life?

All these little movements.

Are they, my life?

Looking back,

They are nothing but colorful blinks,

Smiles, and “Damnits

True love conquers all.


See you tomorrow.

This was a happy day, believe it or not. Random photo grab. Mo's looking at her camera. Not sure what Mark is looking at, but this was a day in June, 2013. We were in Illinois. Note the Newcastle can on the table top.

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