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Entry date: 5-16-2023 - D Day - Letters to My Friends


Dear Friends,

Today is the day. My love heads to Maine I often don't quite know what to think about these times. All I do know, is that I will miss her.

The brain is a funny thing. This is now the third year that we have done this, but there is a level of uncertainty that comes with not seeing your spouse for six weeks at a time and then after that another 2 1/2 months that plays tricks with your Head.

Absence does indeed, makes the heart grow fonder. The time apart, I think, has really helped our relationship grow over the last couple of years, but days like today are hard. I'm terrible at goodbyes.

On our walk this morning, we came across one of our neighborhood feral cats dead in the road. This one hung out on our porch a lot and was very sweet. I'm not sure how I am going to break the news to Rhondi as it will cloud her day.

That's life, though, right? My friend, Barry, and I were talking about how Facebook is often an obituary page these days. He was pretty spot on about it. We are at the age when the fragility of life is omnipresent.


What is long and short

At the same time? A minute,

A day, an hour?

Life is long and short

And both sometimes before you

Know it is go time.

We are but nothing

If we aren't temporary.

We live today, though.


I've been trying to teach my ELL students haiku. So far, I have yet to see anything that close resembles the 5-7-5 syllable pattern, but some of them seem to like the challenge.

I forget, sometimes, that I am asking them to write poetry in a language they don't think in. That's got to scramble a mind a bit. I know I would struggle to write a poem in French or Spanish.

Perspective is not a luxury item.

See you tomorrow.

Sunrise today.

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