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Entry date: 6-24-2023 - Travel part 1 - Letters to my Friends

Dear Friends,

Amarillo was windy as hell when we got here. Humid, too. It was ugly and my hair went wild. The annual trip to the local Walmart was prosperous, though. I got some Yuengling.

The first day of driving was pretty smooth. We tried out some new podcasts. Happy Sad Confused kind of sucked. I did enjoy the Jesse Eisenberg episode but it was so hard to hear. I liked Dead Eyes, though, a lot. It's about this guy who got fired from a TV show by Tom Hanks. Highly recommend it.

After about five or so of those, we switched over to a Stephen King inspired podcast called Derry Public Radio. I liked that one, too. They go in depth on part of a book each episode and we listened to all three of the ones about Carrie.

I don't think Q was impressed by the New Mexico or Texas landscape, but he was a trooper and almost doubled his number of visited states in one day. We stopped a few times and Bailey even took a first day dump.

I'm exhausted so I am keeping this short. Today we are off to Oklahoma, Missouri, and Illinois and a stop at the world's largest gift shop and the Uranus Fudge Factory. I can't wait.

See you tomorrow.

So weird.

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