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Entry date: 7-31-2023 – Last Day of July – Letters to My Friends

Dear Friends,

My heart is heavy today. Admittedly, I am a big fan of Paul “Pee Wee Herman” Reubens. I loved his comedy as a teenager, the first movie was amazing, and from what I’ve been able to glean over the years, he was a good dude.

The world needs people like him. I know he was flawed and was arrested for exposing himself. I’m guessing that was more the work of an overzealous (or overly righteous) sheriff’s deputy. There were also charges that involved having sexual content that involved a minor, but those were dropped. All signs point to him being a good guy.

My friends, John and Holly, took Rhondi and I to a screening of Pee Wee’s Big Adventure a few years ago that he spoke at afterwards. It was pretty great. It’s fun to be able so say that I saw him “in person.” I think my friend, Amy, interviewed him, as well. I wish I could have done the same.

It’s nice to know there are a lot of people out there celebrating Reubens today. I hope people will watch his movies and shows and get the type of joy from them he intended for a long, long time. The world deserves to just have some fun every once in a while.


I’ve been battling a little throat irritation the last few days. It’s been draining me, but today is a bit better than yester. Having a swollen uvula is not fun. I don’t recommend it.

I spent most of yesterday watching OZ, the old HBO show, and reading Fairy Tale by Stephen King. I am enjoying the book a lot. We started listening to it on the way down the mountain last Tuesday and it was cool to get back into it. I found a really nice copy at Bookmans last week after getting back.

OZ is a show I’ve watched many times. There are six seasons, I think, and lots of recognizable actors in it. The truth of it, I have to admit, is that it was pretty much an uber-violent soap opera, but I still love it. OZ has aged well, too. If you’ve never watched it, I think it’s worthy a try. It’s not necessarily a feel good show, but still.


On the way to take the kids to school today, I listened to Clumps Takes A Ride by a New York band called Fly Ashtray. It’s a really fun record. Super garage-y indie rock with a twist of lo-fi noise added in. They have a lot more records out there, but I tend to concentrate on this particular record. There is a song, track 2, called “Soft Pack” that just floats my boat.


Mia is home and doing well. Can't wait to see her again.


Last day of July. 7 out of 12 down. 2023 is moving fast.

See you tomorrow.

Back in the days of Hollywood Alley. The Bourbon Witches and our friend, Will.

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