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Entry date: 9-2-2023 – Sometimes All You Need is Family – Letters to My Friends

Dear Friends,

Last night something pretty wonderful happened. We were all gathered around the table saying horrible things to each other, but I realized that I am surrounded by love. How lucky is that?

Point of clarification, we were playing Cards Against Humanity at the J’s house. The horrible things were all in good fun, and the people I love put their arms around my daughter who is really hurting right now and gave her a chance to laugh and be loved. Again, how lucky is that?

For those who don’t believe in luck, I will say that everything that happened last night was not really about luck at all. It’s about doing life properly. There were no perfect people around the table, but together, we are damn close. We were missing Rhondi, of course, but the bond we have allows us to absorb her absence and be almost as strong as we would be with her here. In six weeks, though, we will all be together again. Bailey and Bella will be zooming around the yard and all will be well.

I am grateful for so many things. That is my thought for this Saturday morning.

Time to go rock for a while. There will probably be a part two today.

See you then or see you tomorrow.

This was at Dev's graduation, I think.

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