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Entry date: 9-26-2023 – Tuesdays are for Thinking Things Through – Letters to My Friends


Dear Friends,

Whew. I’m so glad I am more on the ball today than I was yesterday, but it was particularly interesting to me to read what I wrote almost three years and slapped on the site yesterday. I’m glad I stuck with the writing ideas I talked about but still, alas, no novel. I can make the excuse that I am busy, and I am, but it’s a baffling and frustrating process.

I’m also bummed that I lost my spark for exercise. We do walk but lately, not as much. That’s on me. My sleep habits are suffering, and I’ve noticed that everything else suffers when you don’t get the rest you need. I suppose the old saying, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” is one that I am secretly fond of but not the smartest mantra. Balance sounds better.


Big day today at the ol’ schoolhouse. I have an observation coming up just before noon. I’m ready for it, but damn if the admin who is monitoring me isn’t really good at her job. I think I can learn a lot from her about the craft of teaching. It’s intimidating to do my thing in front of someone who could teach circles around me.


I also have to say that I am maybe back on the Cardinals train. I’ve never really gotten off, but I really started to despise the way they had been playing football under coach haircut. I won’t even dignify his regime by saying (or capitalizing) his name. They are playing with a resolve and, dare I say it, level of smarts that we haven’t seen in a while. I’m intrigued to see where they can go from here. I had them pegged as a 1- or 2-win team for the season and they might get a handful more than that this year.

It was fun to watch them beat the Cowboys. I’ve always hated that team and to watch them go down again to the Cards was great. The Cowboys didn’t play very well, but a lot of that was because of what the Cards were not giving them. More of that, please. I might even watch a whole game before it is all said and done.

Actually, I did watch just about the whole thing. I only missed about five or six minutes. With Brian in town, I watched more football this weekend than I did all last year. Fact.


I couldn’t sleep on Sunday night and watched a lot of Rebel Without A Cause. I get the James Dean mythos, sure, but the guy was not that great in that movie. He chewed a lot of scenery and so much of it was just bad. I’ll have to talk with my parents about the film at some point because as much as I kind of liked it 35 years ago, I kind of hated it now.

All I really wanted it to do was put me to sleep and it failed.


Tonight, we get ready for our weekend of Hillbilly shows. I hope I have enough steam to make it through the day and practice. Wish me luck.

See you tomorrow.

Probably my favorite part of Rebel these days.

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