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Entry date: 7-1-2023 – New Month, New Attitude – Letters to My Friends

Dear Friends,

I don’t know about that “new attitude” thing. It just sounded like a good title. The breeze feels nice up here in western Maine. Maybe that’s why a new attitude is in order.

Yesterday we went to Farmington and did a little shopping. Walmart got a chunk of my summer school money as we get ready for a big family Fourth barbecue. We also got some righteous fireworks. I can’t wait to let those bad mofo’s get out into the sky to blow the hell up.

I stayed up way too late last night watching this documentary on a guy named Del Close Jr. Apparently, he was a guru to improvisational comedians. I recognized him from bit parts here and there, but the documentary is really well done. It kind of fucks with the audience a bit so you’re really not sure if it is on the up and up or not. I’m sure Mr. Close would have loved that.

Then I slept for ten hours.

I’ve been struggling to sleep well since I got to Maine. I upgraded my pillow yesterday at Walmart and it helped. My neck has gotten significantly worse over the past month, so it is hard to get comfortable for a long stretch of time. It has spread to the back over the last week of travel and getting used to a new bed. Stretching should help, so I’ll do better at this for the coming weeks.

Today is a mystery. I’m not sure what we will be doing today, to be honest, but it seems like it is going to be a nice day. I think a hike is in order over at the Mingo loop. It’s a nice hike, for sure, and will be a good test of my endurance. I am feeling the lack of walking in the morning, but I think I can get back on track this week. Might even play some golf after all the tourists leave.


It’s interesting to watch from afar and see what the Suns are doing. It looks like it is going to be a very different team under new coach, Frank Vogel. They have really remade the roster. As of right now, I think there are only four guys left on the team that played with Mikal Bridges and Cam Johnson before the Durant trade.

The biggest difference, of course, will be the lack of CP3 on the team. Cam Payne is the only true point guard on the roster at the moment and the beginning of this sentence is something of a stretch. Payne is not the type to get others involved first and foremost. I wonder if they will try to add another point guard to the mix.

I’m guessing this means the end of Biyombo, Landale, and Craig. I’m kinda bummed because I really liked the hustle each of them brought to the team and they were easy to root for during the regular season. This team is not being built for the regular season, though. I’d hoped TJ Warren might get another shot, but that’s not looking likely either.

We shall see.


Have a great Saturday, dear reader.

See you tomorrow.

The universe is speaking to me.

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