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Entry date: 9-5-2024 – Reclining Mental Health – Letters to My Friends


Dear Friends,


A little knowledge can snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Yesterday, for a short time, I had hope regarding the happenings in Maine. It seemed like maybe there was a chance for some semblance of luck on Doug’s side. By the end of the day, that feeling was gone.


This change was not because of anything specific, but more from talking to my wife. Rhondi is the “boots on the ground,” as they say. She’s been fighting a helluva good fight, but she sounded so defeated when talked last night. I hate this and I hate that there is nothing I can do. Even if I were to get on a plane tomorrow, I wouldn’t be able to really help her.


Every day just seems to bring a new level of...I don’t even know what to call it.


When someone dies, someone close to someone I know, I always wish them “peace in this time of transition.” Right now, I just want peace for Rhondi and Doug and all of us. Whatever that peace is going to look like, I just want it. Most of all, though, I want peace for Doug in whatever form it can come.


I just know I am not ready to say goodbye.




I’m going to tell you about a student in the coming days who I will call “Evil Nancy” (Not her name). She’s no Cocaine Baby, but she’s fargin’ icehole.




Last night I got to see James Brandon Lewis and the Messthetics perform at Linger Longer Lounge in Phoenix and their new record, The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis, is amazing. I think this is the third record from 2024 that I have completely fallen in love with this year. It’s well worth your time and your money.


I picked up the vinyl at the show. I also wrote about the band after doing an interview with them for the Phoenix New Times. They are really nice dudes. I got to talk with each of them and those conversations last night did not impact my love for their record in any kind of negative way.


It’s a really great thing to be able to say that guys like Brendan Canty (drums) and Joe Lally (bass), who I first met when I played with them in 1989 when my band, Religious Skid, opened for their band, Fugazi, are excellent dudes. They truly are incredibly nice guys, and it was a blast to be able to share a little time with them.


James Brandon Lewis and Anthony Pirog, saxophone and guitar respectively, are also really good dudes. I thoroughly enjoyed talking to Anthony last night and James, too, but we didn’t talk as much. The four of them made one hell of a record.


There is not a weak track on it. Some sway more into the jazz world, and some are a bit noisier and almost have a similar vibe to the band, Morphine. When I first heard the record a few weeks ago, I couldn’t quite put my finger on what I was hearing that was so familiar, but it was definitely a little tinge of Morphine.


The thing is, though, about this record is that it really reminds me that there is always possibility when it comes to making music. You get together with some people and throw some stuff out there and then see what sticks. If you are doing it with love and passion and integrity to the effort, you can create some amazing things.


When I listen to The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis, I feel like I’m listening to guys who have realized that they can do anything together. It makes me want to find more people to do these types of things with, too. This record is really inspiring.


“That Thang” is pretty awesome, as are all the tracks, but I love “Fourth Wall” which is the final track on the record. Holy cow it is a great riff. They played it last night, too, and I could have just let it take me up into the sky and away from everything that feels like it is holding me down right now. The Messthetics are good like that.


I sincerely hope these guys keep doing what they are doing for at least a few more records. The notion of that certainly seems reasonable. A few more songs like the opener, “L’ Orso” or “Asthenia” and I’ll be very happy.




See you tomorrow.

Thinking about ol' Friday Vermillion. AI says "hi."

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