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Entry date: 10-9-2023 – Reality Sandwiches over Campfires – Letters to My Friends

Dear Friends,

Stop Making Sense was as good as I remember it to be. The music was just sublime. I cried a little, too.

Early on, I was overwhelmed by the flood of emotions it stirred in me. Yesterday was my Aunt Julie’s birthday and I think she and my mother took Ben and I to see the film a few times. I have so many good memories of the four of us doing things together. I was thinking about those days and just got wrapped up in the music and performance.

I had forgotten how powerful the Talking Heads were at that time. Knowing what I know now, it is easy to see a little of the tension between the band members during the show. It seeps in here and there. Tina Weymouth wanted to keep that bright smile on her face, but there were sideways glances at David Byrne that said volumes without saying a word. The joy in the short performance by Tom Tom Club also spoke loudly.

Either way, though, it was a nice way to spend the afternoon with Rhondi and Teresa. I’d still like to see it on IMAX, but if I don’t, I’ll be okay. I enjoy seeing films at the little theater in Rangeley. Most of the ones I have seen have been really fun to see there. It’s kind of a quaint little theater, although it isn’t as small as you might picture it.

I have a feeling I will do some sort of performance there at some point in my life. Maybe I’ll join the theater group up here someday and give acting a try. Maybe I’ll do a one-man bass solo barrage or hone my acoustic act. HA! There is nothing there to hone.

Most likely it will be some sort of reading or storytelling thingamabob. There’s my real wheelhouse, I think. Nobody wants to see me play acoustic guitar poorly or noisily up here. I could do some crazy stuff, sure, but it would be more fun to tell stories.

After the movie, Teresa and I drove around a bit so she could take pictures. While we were doing so, I reflected a bit on just how much this has become my second home. I still get excited to see certain things, but it also just feels like I’m where I am supposed to be. Spend enough time in a place and voila, you’re home, I suppose.

Harmony is a big thing. Once you feel it, in all its various forms, you just want more of it. We choose it, I think, over just about all other feelings. It encompasses many of the other good ones like joy and comfort and love. Harmony is a pretty high level of love.

Even in song, harmony represents togetherness, compassion, and empathy. To mold your voice to someone else’s is a high compliment. To weave your life into a beautiful fabric, there isn’t anything much better, in my opinion. It takes effort, true, but the effort is well rewarded.

As I sit here on this fine Monday with clouds rolling across the western sky, I am feeling quite peaceful. The drive ahead tomorrow looms large, but it is merely a fact of my life. It is a privilege to be able to see so much of our beautiful country twice a year and I embrace it.

I bought a tie-dye shirt yesterday. Maybe that’s what has gotten into me today. Monday affirmations should have been the title of this blog.

See you tomorrow.

Mooselookmeguntic was a bit rough yesterday.

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